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DCCAE Innovation Fund Info Seminar on First Call – Weds 7th Oct 2020 @9:30am

Leanne Conroy

The Innovation Fund’s National Contact Point in the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment is hosting an information seminar on Wednesday 7 October from 09.30-11.00am.

The Innovation Fund is one of the world’s largest funding programmes for demonstration of innovative low-carbon technologies. It is expected that €10 billion will be available to be invested up to 2030to fund new and innovative technology that in the first instance delivers on the avoidance of Green House Gas Emissions.

The seminar will provide you with an opportunity to engage with the Department and DG Clima to inform your application to the Fund’s first call which closes on 29 October and to hear more information on the call for small scale projects which is now planned for December.

The event will take place as a live Webinar via Zoom , please note the deadline for registration is 5.00 pm Monday 5 October 2020.

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