On Friday 27th November 2020, IMR’s flagship circular economy initiative, CIRCULÉIRE – The National Platform for Circular Manufacturing was officially launched by Minister Eamon Ryan, Department of Environment, Climate & Communications (DECC).
Over three hundred people from around Ireland and further afield attended this virtual launch which was hosted by Maia Dunphy and included key notes from: Julie Sinnamon, CEO of Enterprise Ireland, Adriaan Palm, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Ireland, Freek Van Eijk, CEO of Holland Circular Hotspot, CIRCULÉIRE’s Strategic Partners and IMR.
We are delighted to see the momentum behind the transition to a circular economy growing in Ireland evidenced by the strong interest in CIRCULÉIRE’s launch and the event’s coverage in an Irish Times article on the same day (see link below in “Learn More”).
CIRCULÉIRE aims to help Irish companies reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and waste generation by supporting them to implement circular business models and capture “circular advantage”. If you would like to know how to get involved, please contact us at circuleire@imr.ie.