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Leanne Conroy

CIRCULÉIRE kicks off a European Knowledge Sharing initiative with the Dutch Tech Zone - showcasing Circular Economy Innovation in Ireland.

Updated: Aug 13, 2024

On Friday 2nd February, CIRCULÉIRE welcomed the programme board of the DUTCH TECH ZONE - a delegation of approximately 25 people to CIRCULÉIRE member Novelplast to showcase Circular Innovation and to stimulate discussions on opportunities for further collaboration and networking with Dutch Companies, in the wider European manufacturing and CE Ecoystem.

The delegation, comprised of regional government, higher educational institutions and eight cross sectoral companies working in the built environment, plastics, recycling and waste treatment space were given a tour of Novelplast by Founder and CEO Neil Skeffington and engaged in presentations from CIRCULEIRE members Kevin Cronin COO Freefoam building products and Paul Farrell CEO Farrell Furniture who highlighted both the process and impacts of their Circular Economy pilot demonstrations funded by CIRCULÉIRE through the Power of Many and Do More with Less projects. There are clear synergies between the aims of the DTZ and CIRCULÉIRE in stimulating the manufacturing industry and catalysing collaboration between educational institutions and research centres and public bodies to harness and apply the latest technological developments.

The delegation visited both Dublin and Belfast meeting with The Netherlands Deputy ambassador Nora Dessing and visited other Irish manufacturing companies who are contributing to the local economy in the field of Sustainability and Circular Economy Andor Technologies and Exact Group.

This marked the first of an ongoing knowledge sharing partnership with the Dutch Tech Zone and their wider stakeholders.

ABOUT The Dutch Tech Zone

The Dutch TechZone is all about stimulating the manufacturing industry and promoting excellent craftsmanship in the Borger-Odoorn, Coevorden, Emmen, Hardenberg and Hoogeveen region. Their

main goal is to create a fertile environment in which companies, educational institutions and government agencies work together to strengthen each other and promote craftsmanship.

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