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Leanne Conroy

2022 Call for Proposals III: Expert Facilitator to deliver CIRCULÉIRE’s Thematic Working Group (TWG) on ‘Industry 5.0 and the Circular Economy’

We are looking for CE specialists in Advanced Technologies and Digitalisation to deliver our latest Thematic Working Group. Deadline for applying is midnight July 18th, 2022.

Are you an expert in Digital Transformation, who recognises the enabling role that Advanced Technologies and Digitalisation can play in supporting Irish manufacturers’ and their supply-chain partners’ transition to a circular economy? Do you have demonstrated experience facilitating groups and successfully leading co-design and ideation workshops, roundtables and events? If so, CIRCULÉIRE wants to hear from you.

CIRCULÉIRE is requesting applications from suitably qualified ‘Expert Facilitators’ to lead its forthcoming Thematic Working Group on ‘Industry 5.0 and the Circular Economy’.

Thematic Working Group (TWG) Process and Aims

Each year for the duration of the programme, CIRCULÉIRE’s industry members vote on topics they deem strategically important to enabling – or preventing – their transition to a circular economy. In 2022, ‘Industry 5.0 and the Circular Economy’ was selected as a top priority topic for the network to run a Thematic Working Group on.

Background - how can Industry 5.0 accelerate Ireland Inc’s transition to a Circular Economy?

Digital and advanced technologies have a vital role to play in leading to more efficient and flexible production processes, with increased resource efficiency in terms of both energy and materials (EI; 2019). A critique of past digital strategies for industry, however, is that they are not sufficiently focused on sustainability or respect for planetary boundaries and that they can encourage digitally-enabled extractive and consumptive economic activity, contributing to an overall acceleration of negative climate impacts and ecosystem loss (EC, 2021; 8).

Industrial digital and technological paradigms must therefore set out a clear ambition to support the industry’s transition to regenerative, circular economy pathways, based on intensified renewable energy usage and circular value chains. When applied effectively, digital solutions and advanced technologies can open up several opportunities for manufacturers and their supply chain partners to achieve sustainable, circular economy implementation.

Running over a 12 – 16-week period, the successfully appointed Expert Facilitator will deliver a series of meetings, workshops and webinars and produce high-quality industry-focussed outputs; each aimed at achieving the objectives of the TWG (more details in the call document here).

The aims of this TWG are thus as follows:

  1. Increase CIRCULÉIRE’s panel members’ (including Industry Members’) knowledge and awareness of Industry 5.0 technologies, trends and best practices, exploring the opportunities and challenges it presents to accelerate and enable Irish industry’s transition to circularity;

  2. Convene a working group – comprised of industry representatives and senior stakeholders – to co-produce high-quality thought leadership aimed at advancing Irish the industry’s circular transition (producing high-quality outputs and proposing practical, actionable recommendations as appropriate);

  3. Design and deliver 2x Ideation Workshops where the working group identify min. 7-10 digital/advanced technology circular innovations (e.g. related to platforms, processes, products and/and people) that support Irish industry’s circularity transition, and which have potential to reduce industry’s GHG and waste and improve material efficiency if implemented in the future.

2022 TWGs Indicative Dates

Kicking off in mid-August 2022, this Thematic Working Group (TWG) will run until October (Q3-4) 2022, for a period of approximately 12- 16 weeks (A more detailed timeline will be agreed with the consultant as service contracts are being drawn up). Questions on this specification should come in writing to IMR (contact details below). We will collect questions until midnight Tuesday, 12th of July.

Deadline for applications to is midnight, 18th of July. Applications to be emailed using subject heading ‘Expert Facilitator application – ‘Industry 5.0 and the Circular Economy’ with completed Excel Application SpreadSheet Template attached. Applications will be assessed against relevant knowledge and experience, and proposed approach to delivering the activities. This work has a maximum allowable budget of €20,000.00 ex. VAT.

Indicative dates on the Call for Proposal:

  1. Open questions from submitting parties closed midnight Tuesday, 12th of July.

  2. Deadline for RFP submission to midnight, 18th of July (with completed Excel Sheet using the subject heading ‘Expert Facilitator application – ‘Industry 5.0 and the Circular Economy’)

  3. Interviews with shortlisted applicants: Circa 22nd of July

  4. Communication of successful candidate: 25th of July

  5. Internal kick-Off Meeting to Agree Timeline: W/C 28th of July

  6. TWG commences: W/C 8th of August

IMR Contact Person: Sophie Reynolds, Circular Economy Technologist (


CIRCULÉIRE is a public-private partnership co-created by Irish Manufacturing Research (IMR) and three strategic partners: the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and EIT Climate-KIC. Together with industry partners, CIRCULÉIRE aims to assist manufacturers and their supply chains to switch from linear to circular business models.

Read more about CIRCULÉIRE here.

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